Environmental Management System

  • At ERGRANSA, S.A., we are committed to constantly improving the environmental actions in our operations. This is an ongoing priority, which we expect to achieve by implementing and enforcing an environmental management system based on the ISO-EN-UNE 14001 standard and the EMAS regulation.
  • We apply environmental management practices and principles in order to fulfil our commitments. Each year we set targets and goals and monitor our progress in fulfilling them and this environmental policy.
  • Whenever possible, we make an effort to prevent pollution associated with our activities through regular reviews of the direct and indirect environmental impact and aspects under normal and abnormal conditions and in emergencies.
  • We are gradually encouraging the separation and correct management of waste materials, implementing monitoring, assigning responsibilities and agreeing with subcontractors on the measures to be taken in each case.
  • We continue to maintain our availability and know-how in order to achieve the best possible solution regarding the most problematic atmospheric emissions, taking the appropriate steps and providing the competent authorities with the necessary information.
  • We comply with the legal requirements concerning the environment by implementing the measures required to do so. In cases in which no legislation is applicable to the port area, ERGRANSA, S.A., when it so deems appropriate, will use reference legislation that is best suited for such purpose.
  • We raise awareness of this environmental policy among our workers, suppliers, customers and other parties concerned.
  • We are committed to following and keeping the Emergency Environmental Plan for our activities up to date.
  • We implement the process developed in the environmental management system (SGMA) to detect and rectify environmental awareness-raising and training needs.
  • In drawing up and enforcing this environmental policy, we constantly bear in mind the principles laid down in our company’s quality policy.
  • We are committed to drawing up an Environmental Statement every year. This is a public document that sets out the development of our company’s environmental management and our commitment to the environment.
  Certificate Nº : ES-CAT-000201   Certificate Nº : 276322-2018-AHSO-IBE-ENAC Environmental Declaration   (PDF File)